OIC has 7 objectives and goal which are discussed as
follows briefly:
1. To increase the solidity of Islam between members
of the Muslim state.
2. Discuss with oneself in the different international
forum and combine the cooperation of members of the state in the important
sector of economical,social,cultural,scientific and others.
3. Try to oust the all
types of cast discrimination and eradicate the all types of Collonism.
4. To give the
necessary support for the basis of fair justice of international peace and
5. To compact jointly
the policy of struggle for the security of holy places and to support for the
struggle of Palestinians people and to help the collection of their right and
the work for free nation.
6. To supply of power
to the Muslims people the all struggle for preservation of national right,independence
and prestige of Muslim.
7. To create an
eligible environment for increasing compromise and cooperation between member
states of OIC and the other countries.
OIC has three organizational
structures .These are a) The conference of the kings and heads of states and
Government b) The conference of foreign minister c) The general secretariat and
Subsidiary Organization
The first one is the highest responsible organization of the OIC and its
main work is to combine the attitude and OIC policy and to considerate the most
important issue in the Muslim world.The second one sits in roundtable one in a
year and accept a decision with the support of two/third members of OIC.Third
one is the main executive organization of the OIC and its main work is to
implement the decision of the conference and to deliver the report to the
But OIC could not play an important role to
improve for the Muslim World. OIC should take stern steps for improving Muslim
world’s situation

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